VUB SRP | Tracing and Modelling of Past & Present Global Changes
This project, coordinated by Prof Philippe Claeys, fosters the collaboration and exchange of expertise of the AMGC and Physical Geography groups, both active in Earth Sciences. I have been appointed as one of the 'missing links' between the two groups, to work on one of the project's topics: The Anthropocene world: Human and geological risks, detection and consequences, lead by Profs Marc Elskens, Yue Gao and Matthieu Kervyn. My research will tackle with the environmental and human hazards resulting from the introduction of volcanic ash in the air we breathe following an eruption.
VLIR UOS TEAM | Optimising the valorization of water and rock resources for improved livelihoods in the Arusha volcanic region
The objective of the project is to characterize the pyroclastic rocks on the flanks of Mt Meru and the chemistry of surface and ground water in the zone. Within the project’s framework, my research will aim to determine the concentrations and fluxes of volcanic pollutants into the environment, specifically in the vicinity of inhabited areas around Meru and Oldoinyo Lengai volcanoes.
Marie Sklodowska-Curie ITN | VERTIGO (Volcanic ash: FiEld, expeRimenTal and numerIcal investiGations of prOcesses during its lifecycle)
As a part of this project (ESR 9), my PhD study experimentally assessed whether ash particle coatings, which originate from in-plume reactions with volcanic gases, can contribute to or alter ash toxicity, as well as if concomitant exposure to volcanic and anthropogenic pollutants poses a greater respiratory hazard than the individual respiratory toxicities of either anthropogenic pollution or volcanic ash alone.
IGCP 606 | Adressing environmental and health impacts of major and abandoned mines in Sub-Saharan Africa
IGCP 594 | Impact of Mining on the Environment in Africa
Within the scope of the projects, I did my MSc research investigating the tailings and soils contaminated by mining activities in the area of the mines Berg Aukas and Tsumeb, Otavi Mountainland in Namibia. The aim of this study was to determine the degree of pollution, environmental risk and bioaccessibility of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in order to estimate the potential impact of mining activities on the health of children.